Navigating Your New Job: 10 Essential Tips for Success

Two businesswomen taking about how to succeed in their new job

Starting a new job can be exhilarating. After all, it’s the beginning of a new chapter in our lives. You’ll meet new people, be expected to perform in new ways, learn many new skills, and use many of your old ones—it’s an exciting time! Nevertheless, this transition can stir up strong emotions. It’s important to navigate these initial days with care as they are crucial in laying the foundation for a successful start. In the first 30 days of a new job, you’ll be making impressions, forging significant connections, and ultimately positioning yourself for success. So, explore these 10 strategies for making those first 30 days really count.


1. Set goals


As with any big endeavor in life, it’s crucial that we set goals for ourselves. Starting a new position is normally a little chaotic—there are many new processes to keep track of, and it feels like you’re being inundated with information. That’s why setting some goals for yourself is a smart way to stay on the right track toward success.


Of course, your goals may change over time—which is A-OK. Just use them as a marker for whether you’re on the right track or should consider pivoting. These goals don’t need to be overly lofty, either. They can simply make a great first impression on colleagues and demonstrate your flexibility, can-do attitude, and reliability.


2. Ask questions


People carry a lot of respect for those who can admit they don’t know it all. Asking questions won’t just earn you respect in your new work environment, it’s also the best way to grow in your career. No one expects new employees to have all the answers—so don’t be afraid to insert yourself when you hit a roadblock.


Approach this time with a beginner’s mindset because you are one! Asking questions won’t make you look bad—it will demonstrate your curiosity, interest, and enthusiasm—all great marks for a new employee. Ask questions as they arise, and don’t be afraid to ask different people in the company. This is a great way to expand your network, create connections, and understand your new team.


However, the goal is to be inquisitive, not disruptive. If you feel like there’s something you can figure out on your own, give that a try first—figuring things out for yourself is a terrific way to learn the system, and the people around you will undoubtedly notice and appreciate your effort. And of course, always thank your team for lending you a hand.


3. Introduce yourself


Establishing robust, amicable, and productive connections with your colleagues is a powerful tool in your career. These individuals are the ones who will support you during moments of uncertainty, boost your morale when you are feeling uninspired, and ultimately collaborate with you to thrive in your role.


It’s vital then to introduce yourself when you first start. Introduce yourself a lot. Be friendly and open and remind your team that even though you may not have all the answers, you’re there to help and learn—and are eager to do so. Trust us, it will be worth it in the long term.


4. Ask to be included


It may not feel like it at first, but there are many benefits to being a new employee. One advantage is the ability to ask for more than a long-standing employee can. Leverage your newness! Ask to be included in activities or initiatives that pique your interest or could enhance your role. The worst that can happen is they decline, but they will likely commend your proactive, go-getter attitude.


Pro tip: Embrace change


Yes, change can be scary, but it’s also exciting—and pretty unavoidable. Things will be different with each new position, team, or company. So, to maximize your success, it is crucial to maintain a flexible and open-minded attitude towards these changes. Embrace the experience and absorb as much as you can. Remember to be patient with yourself as you navigate unfamiliar territory. Each step is a learning opportunity, so savor the journey and enjoy the growth it will bring you.


5. Say yes


A good rule of thumb for any new position is to dive in head first. Be the so-called “yes man.” Say yes to everything—whether a colleague needs extra manpower on a project or your manager has an unexpected request. Be ready and willing to jump in. This kind of attitude won’t just help you stand out; it will certainly make a great impression on the team.


Caution: Always be aware of your schedule and your capabilities. You don’t want to take on too much only to come up short and unfit to finish the job. The quality of your work matters when you start out, so you don’t want to compromise it by spreading yourself too thin. It’s okay, and even encouraged, to ask about the scope of a project before taking it on.


6. Keep a list of roadblocks and opportunities


Having fresh eyes in the company gives you a huge advantage. It allows you to spot areas that may need room for improvement—areas that other employees might not notice because of their tenure or busy schedule. This fresh perspective is of great value to the team and will be an asset when trying to make an impression.


The goal of relaying fresh perspectives is not, however, to criticize. Instead, it’s an opportunity to express your curiosity and introduce new and innovative ways of thinking to your manager. It's often helpful to phrase these perspectives as questions, such as "Why is this named X instead of Y? Could it create confusion with customers?" This approach will demonstrate your willingness to learn and contribute while avoiding negativity.


7. Figure out who you need to know


When first making introductions and meeting your colleagues and superiors, it’s crucial to take note of their names and roles within your team and office environment. Recognizing who's who and what roles they play will enable you to identify the right person to approach when specific inquiries arise, or tasks need to be completed. This level of organizational acumen will be especially useful when trying to locate the right person amid a sea of unfamiliar faces.


Once you have the lay of the land, remind yourself that kindness and respect go a long way with anyone in the office—especially as a new employee. Do not overlook support staff as often, it’s these individuals who become allies or have the ear of key decision-makers. Don’t be afraid to make some allies of your own.


8. Create alliances


Speaking of creating allies on your own, creating friendships in any workplace is important. Workplace friends help you to maintain your sanity, professional network, and career growth. Observe and identify people you might want to get to know better, even if they’re not on your team. These people may have similar attributes to you or might just seem sharp, friendly, or organized—a great person to keep close in your network.


Take a proactive approach to connecting with your colleagues, including those from various levels and lengths of tenure. Each individual can provide valuable insight to help advance your career within the organization, whether it's sharing deep institutional knowledge to expedite your learning curve or providing camaraderie and inspiration from newer hires who can relate to your experiences and offer fresh perspectives.


9. Get to know your team


The start of a new job is an excellent opportunity to familiarize yourself with the team. Initially, there's a little wiggle room when it comes to your work output in the first few weeks; therefore, you should use this time to organize one-on-one meetings, arrange lunches, or take any necessary measures to blend in with the larger group.


10. Tips for connecting with a new team virtually


Remote or hybrid work is the norm these days. Employees simply like working from home better—in a recent survey, only 1% of respondents said they preferred an in-office environment 100% of the time. But it adds an extra layer of difficulty when connecting with your teammates. So, how can you build strong bonds through the screen? It starts with being intentional about communication.


Co-working spaces


Many companies have opted for co-working spaces like Studios to close the space between employees. Studios, for example, offer a collaborative work environment where employees can gather, conduct meetings, or simply break away from working at home.


Stay virtual


Virtual connections are no different from those in person. You should be friendly, helpful, and always willing to go out of your way to arrange a one-on-one or say hello. Schedule casual intro meetings with different peers or superiors to introduce yourself and ask questions you may have (bring a list to seem efficient and organized!)., and attend company-hosted meetings, happy hours, and other unique team meet-ups.


Outside of video, it’s very effective to communicate regularly in chat channels. If your organization has a chat room (like Slack, for instance) look for groups to join where you can interact and discuss topics outside of work. Talking openly about unique and fun moments in your life can connect you with team members in pretty strong ways, even if it’s only through a screen!


Thirty days down, one career to go


Starting a new job is no small feat. It takes courage, hard work, focus, and personability—so give yourself a pat on the back. You’re taking on a new chapter of your life with grace and discipline. But of course, a little help along the way never hurts. By following these tips, you can confidently establish yourself and easily navigate the initial 30 days. Remember to maintain a curious and kind approach, and most importantly, enjoy the ride.


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